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Thread: First exit

  1. #1

    First exit

    I am finishing week nine of MAP. I have been practicing very, very intensively since week 3. I am a yogi and long-term meditator. So Robert's approach feels very familiar and comfortable to me.

    This morning I began my pre-projection routine at 2:45 AM. It all went fine. Good trance. I have been getting massive torso energy surges - like tantric orgasmic sensation in the spine. With the help of the manual and CFTraveler's kind advice, I am learning to manage and ignore them and focus on the exit techs. I do this in rounds: exit techniques, rest in trance state, loosening techs, repeat for as long as I can. (a couple of hours if I possible)

    I work to stay in the observer and stay relaxed even though my body wants to pulsate and contract.

    When I felt done for the day (after a long exit practice session), I decided to rest in my trance state. I kept climbing that darn rope. I kept getting visions, clear and beautiful, popping in and out.

    I decided to practice an OBE breath pattern I love: 6363 with meditation on descending chakras 76542feet.
    I was planning to practice a pointshift technique when I was done.

    When I was in Chakra 2....


    I fully exited vertically from my body. Very powerful pull! I was unmistakably proppelled out standing up. I was surprided. I was not even trying to exit. I was aware of my surroundings - a seemingly very different room in the bright morning light, and that I had exited from my body. I knew what had happened.

    Then the training kicked in: "Don't stay out too long. Do the walkthrough." So I opened my eyes! I am so used to doing the walkthrough with my eyes open, that I opened them at that time. Instantly was popped back into my body. I laughed and wrote everything down. The very short OBE guaranteed that I remembered it all.

    I am so delighted. Naturally, I will continue this amazing journey. Thanks to all who come before me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
    Blog Entries

    Re: First exit

    That is wonderful to know. Congratulations!
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: First exit

    Thank you very much CFT.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Charleston, SC USA

    Re: First exit

    How wonderful, Jean-Paul! I find more often than not I exit when I'm not actually trying to. It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?

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