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Thread: some help needed

  1. some help needed

    Hey , I recently got in this obe thing but i'm kinda scared of what will happen even though i've read many posts and experiences of others doing it. So i usually go to sleep at 12-1am and i get into a comfortable position and after that i stand still for like 30 mins or so , while i don't move , in time , i get to the point when i can't feel my body any more and i start feeling like i'm somewhere else, it's a strange feeling and i start seeing somehow in the blackness with my physical eyes closed , so i get scared and i start moving then i abandon it...

    So in other words , i'm too scared to try it even though i know that nothing can hurt you and it's you who is trying to get scared but i just really can't. And in one night , when i got to the point of not feeling my body, i kept seeing flashes of images with random people.

    So any suggestions of what should i do, or should i just really man up and go for it and see what happens? TY!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: some help needed

    Did you read the post entitled 'your first conscious projection? If so, and if you're still scared, I suggest you do it early in the morning, just before daybreak, so when you succeed it's daytime and the dark doesn't scare you.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. Re: some help needed

    Thx for the reply , I did try to do it in the morning , i didn't move my body for like 30 mins or more but just couldn't get in that stage of numbness , don't know why , anyway , when i reach that stage of numbness and start feeling like i see in the darkness with my eyes closed i get too anxious and i move to break the process. Maybe in one day i'll get pass my fears and anxiousness.

    I wanted to ask you what do you think that happened in this experience which i had a while ago.

    I went to sleep and started dreaming random things but didn't remember them , suddenly i find myself in my neighbours room (i used to water the flowers while he was away in vacation) and it i wasn't conscious where i was until i saw a view from an angle i liked it (it was strange , i like the view he from the room while the sun in bathing the room) and that thing made me aware that i'm dreaming and i started feeling how i walked in the room and i said to myself "wow , i managed to wake up in my dream and be conscious" and after that i walked further in the house and went to another room , it was warm , sunny and nice and when i got in the other room , i heard an evil laughter then i woke up.

    Do you think it was lucid dreaming or something? And why did i hear that laughter for no reason while it was so nice in the house and sunny and i was happy that i woke up in the dream?

    btw it wasn't my first realisation that i'm dreaming , once in a dream i was talking with two friends and while we talked i suddenly told them "do you realise that this is a dream?" and after that they stopped talking and they were not so funny any more , they stopped smiling and talking. I woke up right after that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: some help needed

    I think you had a spontaneous OBE in which you became lucid, your fears crept in and kind of ruined the experience for you.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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