Dear AD friends,

I wanted to turn your attention to a phenomenon many I know have encountered with in the last few days, and simultaneously get you opinion of it.

Before a month or so I got a sudden feeling that something big is going to happen, and this feeling stayed with me all the time. Two days ago, I suddenly almost collapsed with powerful energy surges - there were absolutely no pre-sensations. Incredible heat was running through my body, and, at moments, I really felt as if I was breathing fire. I have not checked this yet, but, as far as I felt, the temperature of my physical body was also very high. All my chakras burst open very widely, and I could almost hear them buzzing, and energy whirpools spinning at incredible speed. I also saw lights around me, as if flashes of lightning, and had a "feeling of universe", unity with life. This experience lasted from 6 PM till 4 AM, with various degrees of intensity.
The same thing repeated after 16 hours, but even stronger.
Now, less than 12 hours passed, and I feel it starting again. (new symptoms, sudden muscle twitching)
During these days, I have changed my daily life without any apparent reason - I have almost stopped eating (and never feel hunger or weakness), wake up at very early hours (this is highly uncharacteristic for me), and more.
Of course, some may say that this might be just a seizure of some kind, a nervous attack; however, as I said before, others have started experiencing this, too. A very good friend of mine has the same sensations as I do, only a bit milder (interestingly, our surges start at the same time), two other friends experience the heat, sometimes headaches and pressure on chakras, others report increased interest in spirituality, meditation (though it wasn't characteristic for them before), increased intuition, and another girl suddenly started vomiting and lost consciousness, although she is perfectly healthy.

At this point, I have gained interest of what others have been feeling in the previous days. Any new sensations? Uncharacteristic behavior? Just opinions? I am really looking forwards to see your thoughts.

P.S. - I apologize for the lenghty post.