
Forgive the delayed response.

Very cool pizza story. I bet seeing the image of a pizza slice aided in the manifestation process. If so, it might work for other things too!

Thanks for the props on my cupcake; it really has made me reconsider my doubts on the LOA. More than anything, I have extra hope that my affirmations are actually DOING something. I appreciate the LD advice btw. I find that your advice is spot on as I actually used to be a pretty darn good lucid dreamer back in college, and I used every method you gave to a great effect . I was very keen on journaling, and I got to the point where I remembered almost 4 or 5 dreams a night! I also found that even up to today, I can almost guarantee having a Lucid Dream if I nap during the day. RB mentioned somewhere that LDs while napping might be related to having more energy available than one usually has at the end of the night, and my experiences seem to back that up. I think I'll double my efforts on the reality checks with some alarms.

As for the specific affirmations I used, they were along the lines of:
I eat cupcakes
I receive free cupcakes
People give me cupcakes
(and so forth)

I don't recall doing any specific visualization, but I think I'll do that for my beard lol