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Thread: using energy to create heat or cold...?

  1. using energy to create heat or cold...?

    Oh my gosh, I just discovered this forum and it's awesome! I am afraid I'll get stuck reading in here for days. lol Anyway I came with a question. It's kind of a... well, a not so serious issue, but something I'm curious about. Energy work sometimes seems to create heat, right? Can one also do something to produce a feeling of cold? For example, if I have 2 glasses of water... if I give energy to one, can I warm it up? And if I somehow take energy from the other, can I cool it down? Does that make sense? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: using energy to create heat or cold...?

    I use elemental energy when necessary. So if you are doing, let's say, sponging or using an energy ball for bounces, use water energy and mentally feel it cool you. But you can charge water also if you want to.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. Re: using energy to create heat or cold...?

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I use elemental energy when necessary. So if you are doing, let's say, sponging or using an energy ball for bounces, use water energy and mentally feel it cool you. But you can charge water also if you want to.

    I'm pretty new, still working on being able to feel energy... and energy balls... I don't practice enough, I guess. I'm not familiar with elemental energy. What is charging water, exactly? What does it do?

  4. #4
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    Re: using energy to create heat or cold...?

    Elemental energy is energy that is described as one of the basic hermetic elements- fire (hot) water (cold) earth (density, solidity) and air (non-density, lightness). When I say element I don't mean chemical element, I mean 'quality inherent' of matter as it exists in manifestation. So water would be fluid, magnetic and cold, and would 'cool' a temperature problem.
    In hermetic tradition, someone hot and fiery has 'too much fire' and 'needs more water'.

    Oh, and 'charging water' is inbuing water with an intention, such as the intention to heal, or to cool, or to vitalize- whatever characteristic you want to give it. You 'charge' it with the intention.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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