I'm new to this forum so 'Hello everybody'

A generous friend gave me his Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience a couple of years ago, but I never knew how to use it so I left it parked somewhere in my PC. Recently I became interested again in the OBE topic so I started reading forums about astral projection again and I remembered I had this Hemi-Sync pack.

I've been checking this and other forums but I can't find a good explanation about how to work with it, so here I am with this silly question:

Hemi Sync Gateway Experience is separated in WAVEs; each WAVE contain 6 tracks, for instance:

1) Orientation
2) Intro to Focus 10
3) Advanced Focus 10
4) etc

Should I do "1) Orientation" on Day 1, "2) Intro to Focus 10" on Day 2, etc or is it to be followed in a weekly basis?

I would appreciate if any Gateway Experience follower could enlighten me on this.
