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Thread: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

  1. #1

    How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    I'm new to this forum so 'Hello everybody'

    A generous friend gave me his Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience a couple of years ago, but I never knew how to use it so I left it parked somewhere in my PC. Recently I became interested again in the OBE topic so I started reading forums about astral projection again and I remembered I had this Hemi-Sync pack.

    I've been checking this and other forums but I can't find a good explanation about how to work with it, so here I am with this silly question:

    Hemi Sync Gateway Experience is separated in WAVEs; each WAVE contain 6 tracks, for instance:

    1) Orientation
    2) Intro to Focus 10
    3) Advanced Focus 10
    4) etc

    Should I do "1) Orientation" on Day 1, "2) Intro to Focus 10" on Day 2, etc or is it to be followed in a weekly basis?

    I would appreciate if any Gateway Experience follower could enlighten me on this.


  2. #2

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    I started the gateway experience about 8 years ago and had daily sessions for at least a year. Since then I have been meditating with these tracks at least a few times a week. I initially stayed on the same track for a few days before moving on to the next one. If I could start all over, I would do each track for one week before moving on to the next. Although my progress was pretty significant, I believe it could have been better by taking more time with each track and building a better foundation for the later tracks. It's a great program and if you are dedicated to it and have results anywhere similar to mine, you are in for a real amazing journey.
    Escaping Velocity. Not just infinity, but eternity.

  3. #3

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Hello Outofbodydude,

    Thank your for replying

    Quote Originally Posted by outofbodydude View Post
    ... If I could start all over, I would do each track for one week before moving on to the next. Although my progress was pretty significant, I believe it could have been better by taking more time with each track and building a better foundation for the later tracks.
    That makes sense. Thank you for the suggestion.

    Quote Originally Posted by outofbodydude View Post
    ...It's a great program and if you are dedicated to it and have results anywhere similar to mine, you are in for a real amazing journey.
    Am I right to think you eventually succeded in having out of body experiences with the help of the Hemi-Sync tracks?

    If yes, in your case, how long did it take to experience your first OBE since you started with the Gateway Experience program?

  4. #4

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Actually I learned how to leave my body when I was 14 years old. But it wasn't until I was 20 that I got serious about my spiritual development. This is when I started the gateway experience. The program dramatically improved my abilities. I did a gateway session in the afternoon and one before going to sleep every day and night. Upon awakening in the mornings I would often shift right into the out of body state without putting nearly any effort into it. I would sometimes have spontaneous projections in the middle of the night as well.

    But the only times the tracks ever actually induce the out of body state or aid in projection is when I listen to them in the early morning with the intention of leaving my body, although they are not necessary for it, but are useful for quickly entering deeper states of consciousness, and the vocal cues in some of the tracks actually work to cue me into shifting into the out of body state when I have gone too deep. Some level of my mind hears the voice, it triggers a burst of lucidity, and the next thing I know I'm shifting into higher dimensions.

    If you want to easily achieve the out of body state, read and follow the methods of this book:
    Escaping Velocity. Not just infinity, but eternity.

  5. #5

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by outofbodydude View Post
    Actually I learned how to leave my body when I was 14 years old. But it wasn't until I was 20 that I got serious about my spiritual development. This is when I started the gateway experience.
    It seems that yours is the story of every person who claims to astral project in every forum I've visited: most of them -if not all- had spontaneous out of body experiences in childhood and they only needed a book, binaural audios, etc. to be able to control it, to do it at will... That fact makes me wonder again if a person llike me who have never had an OBE can actually learn how to experience them reading a certain book, listening to any 'Gateway - OOB Journey, etc.' tracks...

    I've already downloaded's The Phase. I'll have a look at it as soon as I finish Robert Monroe's trilogy.


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    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    I actually have had some success in inducing the OOB state by listening to the affirmation of the Monroe Institute on YouTube nightly before going to sleep. I don't listen to it anymore since I feel I no longer need to- but it helped, when I did (even though I reached the OOB state before, without it).
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  7. #7

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post
    I actually have had some success in inducing the OOB state by listening to the affirmation of the Monroe Institute on YouTube nightly before going to sleep. I don't listen to it anymore since I feel I no longer need to- but it helped, when I did (even though I reached the OOB state before, without it).
    Yeah, that's what I mean: you are another example which confirms my doubts about the real efficiency of these methods for practitioners with no previous spontaneous OBE's.

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    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    There are various members here who have never projected until they learned how- but really, if you think about it, most people don't even think of astral projection, unless they've experienced a spontaneous experience sometime in their lives, are very interested in the 'paranormal', or some version of that. So it doesn't surprise me one bit.
    I have to mention, that I once (ok, twice) gave a class at my church, that came about almost by accident. I was telling a friend of mine that I was going to TMI to do one of Robert's workshops, and she asked me all about it. Another lady overheard and pretty soon I had a pretty good group of little old ladies wanting to hear about my experience.
    In a group of around 20 or so little old church ladies, about 25% had previous spontaneous experiences, and told me all about waking up with vibrations, flying around their house at night, and other OBE symptoms. None of them had spoken to anyone about it (for obvious reasons.) That's why I ended up doing a class at the church (even the minister had had spontaneous experiences) that went very well.
    My point is, that I think most everyone has had spontaneous OBEs, if not every single person- but most are sound sleepers and just don't remember.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by AstralMan View Post
    It seems that yours is the story of every person who claims to astral project in every forum I've visited: most of them -if not all- had spontaneous out of body experiences in childhood and they only needed a book, binaural audios, etc. to be able to control it, to do it at will... That fact makes me wonder again if a person llike me who have never had an OBE can actually learn how to experience them reading a certain book, listening to any 'Gateway - OOB Journey, etc.' tracks...

    I've already downloaded's The Phase. I'll have a look at it as soon as I finish Robert Monroe's trilogy.

    Actually I came across the concept of out of body experiences for the first time while browsing the internet as a young lad before having any such experiences. I was extremely intrigued and with the help of a high level of motivation and dedication, I succeeded in inducing the out of body state after about a week of commitment to achieving it, using one of the most difficult techniques I might add (projection from a fully awakened state during the evening). I eventually became a natural with a little hard work and a lot of determination. It wasn't until I became proficient in inducing these experiences that they began to occur spontaneously.

    Regarding the books, I recommend reading Monroe's for motivation, and the Phase for methods of achieving the OBE. In other words, both in equal measures, although you're not going to get out of your body just by reading stories of other people doing so. The methods presented in the Phase are some of the easiest and most reliable techniques I have come across to this day. Why not start now?
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  10. #10
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    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    I vouch for MAP because it's how I learned.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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