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Thread: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

  1. #11

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    If one is looking for a long-term program (90+ days) for developing the skills necessary for energy body development and astral projection, MAP is the way to go. If one is looking for fast and easy results (< 1 week), I would add the methods explained in The Phase to the morning routine of the MAP program starting at day one. Or just stick with the Phase techniques and add the daily affirmations and energy work described in MAP into your routine at your leisure. It's odd that Robert didn't add an early morning projection practice to the program, as this is by far the most conductive time to achieve the out of body state.
    Escaping Velocity. Not just infinity, but eternity.

  2. #12

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Hello CFTraveler,

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    My point is, that I think most everyone has had spontaneous OBEs, if not every single person- but most are sound sleepers and just don't remember.
    But if one forgets it so easily it means -I understand- that the experience has not been that striking and remarkable for him or her to remember... Just like regular dreams. They are of little value for the experimenter.

  3. #13
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    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by outofbodydude View Post
    If one is looking for a long-term program (90+ days) for developing the skills necessary for energy body development and astral projection, MAP is the way to go. If one is looking for fast and easy results (< 1 week), I would add the methods explained in The Phase to the morning routine of the MAP program starting at day one. Or just stick with the Phase techniques and add the daily affirmations and energy work described in MAP into your routine at your leisure. It's odd that Robert didn't add an early morning projection practice to the program, as this is by far the most conductive time to achieve the out of body state.
    MAP was written a long time ago, and he did add a middle-of the night-to early morning practice in his PAPI workshops- I think he called it "the bridge method" or something like that. It's been a while since I took it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #14
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    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by AstralMan View Post
    Hello CFTraveler,

    But if one forgets it so easily it means -I understand- that the experience has not been that striking and remarkable for him or her to remember... Just like regular dreams. They are of little value for the experimenter.
    I'm not sure what you mean by that- no experience is remarkable unless one remembers it, and yes, separating and flying around isn't that remarkable- but I fail to see what this has to do with what the OP said about the claim that most people who are attracted to AP are spontaneous experiencers- after all, the value of the experience is in the eyes of the experiencer.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #15

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    I believe it was written about ten years ago. Of course, early morning methods of projection have been around for much longer than that so I'm not sure if that's really a valid excuse lol. I'd be curious to hear more about this "bridge method."
    Escaping Velocity. Not just infinity, but eternity.

  6. #16

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by outofbodydude View Post
    Actually I came across the concept of out of body experiences for the first time while browsing the internet as a young lad before having any such experiences. I was extremely intrigued and with the help of a high level of motivation and dedication, I succeeded in inducing the out of body state after about a week of commitment to achieving it...
    Ok, I understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by outofbodydude View Post
    Regarding the books, I recommend reading Monroe's for motivation, and the Phase for methods of achieving the OBE. In other words, both in equal measures, although you're not going to get out of your body just by reading stories of other people doing so. The methods presented in the Phase are some of the easiest and most reliable techniques I have come across to this day. Why not start now?
    You are right here, I should combine 2 types of reading; I've checked Raduga's videos in YouTube and his conspiracy theory is something that repels me. What do you think of it?

  7. #17

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Hi CFTraveler,

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I'm not sure what you mean by that- no experience is remarkable unless one remembers it, and yes, separating and flying around isn't that remarkable- but I fail to see what this has to do with what the OP said about the claim that most people who are attracted to AP are spontaneous experiencers- after all, the value of the experience is in the eyes of the experiencer.
    I underlined the sentence I was commenting in my post.

    Authors explain that when they went 'out' for the first time, they were in shock for the vividness of the experience; they even add that the consciousness one has when OBEing is even sharper than the one experienced in a awaken state.

    How can someone forget something experienced in a sharper-than-awaken-state consciousness?

  8. #18
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    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    By going to sleep right afterwards. Have you never gotten up in the middle of the night, gotten water, went out to look at the moom, gone back to sleep and almost forgot about your midnight foray until later in the day until something else reminds you? I've had many exits that I forgot until much later that day, when something else makes it all come back.
    And not all projections are vivid and shocking- shock happens when you first have a 'first conscious-of the exit' projection, many outings are pretty run of the mill. Have you ever had a dream in which it's nighttime? If nothing 'special' happens in it, you're more than likely to forget it if you went back to sleep afterwards.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #19

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by AstralMan View Post
    You are right here, I should combine 2 types of reading; I've checked Raduga's videos in YouTube and his conspiracy theory is something that repels me. What do you think of it?
    I don't know much about his conspiracy theory and I'm not too worried about it. His OBE methods are sound and that is what is important. If the conspiracy is about alien contact in the phase state, I have had many experiences in the out of body and pre-out of body state involving ETs, so there might be something to it. It seems these beings operate primarily in these higher dimensions, although there does seem to be evidence that they make physical contacts as well.
    Escaping Velocity. Not just infinity, but eternity.

  10. #20

    Re: How to follow Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience

    Quote Originally Posted by outofbodydude View Post
    I don't know much about his conspiracy theory and I'm not too worried about it. His OBE methods are sound and that is what is important. If the conspiracy is about alien contact in the phase state, I have had many experiences in the out of body and pre-out of body state involving ETs, so there might be something to it. It seems these beings operate primarily in these higher dimensions, although there does seem to be evidence that they make physical contacts as well.
    Oh, no, it has nothing to do with ETs... I guess.

    According to him, there's someone (or a group) interested in hidding the phase from us to keep us enslaved worrying about other shallow things so they can manipulate us better.

    You can watch the documentary here; you only need to watch it for a couple of minutes to know what I mean.

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