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Thread: what is lucid dream?If there is someone who can explain it

  1. #1
    operasinger Guest

    what is lucid dream?If there is someone who can explain it

    What is lucid dream?By the way,as you can see I'm still alive even if I don't want to. I was searching words lucid dream from astral dynamics page and altavista and also this page.without clear answer. Is it when you dream and suddenly realize that you are dreaming? Can you have OBE through lucid dream and/or control them?

    ~using and trying all possible things to change past and future~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Yes, yes and yes. If you're dreaming and you know it, you're lucid dreaming. This is a very good resource:

    Note: I updated this link to the "What is Lucid Dreaming" section- It had changed since I last had visited and it was a link to the forum instead-CF.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    violetsky Guest

    Re: what is lucid dream?If there is someone who can explain

    Dear operasinger,

    Lucid dreaming is when you are consciously aware during your dreams. For many people this first happens when they are experiencing a nightmare. The nightmare might cause them to get so anxious that they begin to wake up but may not fully wake. They will be partially awake and aware of what they are dreaming. This is a powerful moment, where the conscious and the subconscious mind can communicate directly with each other. In this awareness you are able to ask your subconscious mind questions. For example you can turn and face your advisary in the dream and ask, "Why are you chasing me or tormenting me? What do you represent?" In that moment the subconscious mind will often reveal powerful images or even speak to you in away that you can more clearly understand. This is a huge opportunity to become more self aware.

    With meditation and mental training one can bring full awareness and consciousness into dream state. This allows us to explore our minds in a way we cannot while we are awake. In the fully awake state we can deny our fears or flaws in our character etc., which our subconsious mind will insist and force us to face.

    Here is a good website

    I am an avid lucid dreamer who wishes you well on an amazing journey into your soul. Remember, if we were perfect we would learn nothing and our compassion would pale in comparison to those who know their darkest depths but "chose" not to go there, as appose to fearing going there.

    Very Best Wishes,

  4. #4
    Matt Guest
    In addition to knowing that you're dreaming, you also need to recall your waking life before you can really say you're lucid.

    You'll probably have a lot of dreams where you know you're dreaming, but if you don't also stop and remember that your body is asleep in bed and what your waking life is like then it's not a full lucid dream. It's just a near-lucid dream.

    It's your full sense of self that makes it into a lucid dream.

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