Well, it's getting worse! Today I tried not to fall asleep at night because last time it happened after waking up but I drifted off to sleep in the middle of the night and right after a dream- in a false awakening, again, I was sure I was awake and felt something getting on my back! I got up and started to feel very dizzy and thought I was about to faint so I started calling for my sister for help over and over again because she was in the kitchen but the voice that came out of me was very faint and got weaker with time. I remembered I told myself a couple of hours before that if something out of the ordinary happened- it was surely an OBE or a dream (last time I thought I was awake and this was the beginning of schizophrenia). Anyhow, I tried to get back to the physical but that didn't work so I continued calling her and looked in the direction of the kitchen- and it was like there was a layer of ice around me! I could barely see through it.

The worst part is- today it's the Jewish "Yom Kippur" or "Day of Atonement" so I'm supposed to fast and use no electricity for 25 hours :/ last year I spent the entire second day in bed and this year I really wanted to work on my energy development (I did so in the last couple of days- did a lot of energy raising exercises and it seeemed to affect the number of my OBEs for the better but maybe it also attracted whatever is after me). But apparently, I can't even fall asleep like a normal person!
We'll see how it goes. Will start a thread in the neg section if this nightmare of an OBE goes on.