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Thread: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

  1. #11
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Title: The weird dream.
    Today's quote: "Isn't life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?" -Andy Warhol
    And there's another one: "I had a lot of dates but I decided to stay home and dye my eyebrows." -Andy Warhol
    HAHAHA I love this guy (BTW, I'm pretty sure he's an introvert).

    Anyway- to the dream- I saw- maybe a promo to a movie? (scary movies are a common theme in my dreams) There was a dark cave, and in this cave were hugggge snakes that were a few meters long, and they were black. I was told they were boa snakes (which didn't make much sense when I googled them- you can google the term "long black snake" and you will get the idea) and they were pretty thick, too. I was told the snaked were producing something humans need and that was the reason they were kept in the closed cave- and they were dogs inside with them, preventing them from escaping (I sobbed humans were abusing the dogs and they're in danger! the dogs could die! they were using the dogs). Anyway, apparently, the picture that came after was of what the snakes became- when they were mature they became- you wouldn't guess- they said they were monkeys- but when I looked- they were actually human! humans with caucasian features and extremely black skin. The humans, still in the cave moved the same as snakes and had similiar agressive look in their eyes. And BTW- they were naked.
    I walked away and I saw a commercial for a class about the "New Age" movement and there was, amongst other photos around the writing, a photo of an alien and I walked away.

    When I woke up I realised- the New Thought movement probably does come from that source or at least it started there. As for the dream- maybe it's about the fact that humans ("snakes"- a Phallic Symbol, Freud would say) look civilized but on the inside they still act to satisfy their most basics desires?
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  2. #12
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    The New Thought movement precedes the new age movement- as a card-carrying member and a former clerical student (for a short while I flirted with the idea of becoming a minister and took a few classes). How it started was when a few 'regular' christians with health troubles attended a few talks by theosophists- and applied the principles to their issues. Then a couple of these 'pioneers' organized prayer meetings within their own churches (some baptists, some methodists, as far as I can remember) and eventually decided to found their own version of these ideas, which were originally for healing. Then there was a split, where the more dogmatic ones became christian scientists, the more spiritual became (Unity) and the more cerebral ones became Science of Mind.
    The new age movement became a 'thing' shortly after, when certain channelers began to announce the coming of a 'new age', and all that comes from this. Most of the religion that gravitates around new age is based on channeled information speaking of 'ends of times' (not necessarily eschatological, but probably based on the underlying psychological cultural baggage that was inherited from christianity), spiritual evolution and transformation, revolving around 'the end of the age of pisces' and the beginning of 'the age of aquarius', and evolving a mythology with ascended masters and avatars with various messages.
    Many people (especially traditional christians) think New Age and New Thought are related because of the word 'New', but really, there isn't a lot of similarity between them, except perhaps the idea that new thought doesn't care whether you believe in reincarnation or even any kind of life after death, while new age has embraced this part of eastern thought systems.
    For the record, there is a lot of crossover between Science of Mind and Unity, and every once in a while newagers start showing up at new thought churches, out of curiosity. But new thought is all about manifesting the life you want now, and as a religion don't care about 'new ages' or 'coming changes' or anything like that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #13
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Thanx for the explanation, CFT! That's really interesting, really. I had no idea, I never thought about the differences too much and I never put any research into that (it never really crossed my mind). I only remember that once in the past I came across an explanation on wiki on the age of Horus (if that's related), though I don't remember why I searched for it. I should really research christian scientists, Unity and Science of Mind (as I don't know too much about it). But Christianity always fascinated me and I always love to learn new things (to be honest- I was always jealous of Chrismas! ha). ♥
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  4. #14
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    This odd (neg?) thing

    Today's quote: "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is; infinite." -William Blake
    (love this one, makes us feel just how small our perception of the world is- a world of endless possibilities)

    So this story starts with something else entirely- for quite a while now, it happens that from time to time when I pass through my mother's room while she's asleep- I get a glimpse of her sitting up in bed, looking at the direction where some noise is coming from or even once- the first time it happened- I saw her actually standing where her bed is and staring in my direction (staring at the wall, for all I know). Now I know that supposedly sleepers go OOB sometimes but I have no idea what I'm seeing here because it's completely possible I just imagined it.

    Anyhow- lately I've had an OBE where I got OOB and I saw my sister (or a reality flactuation. Or whatever it was!) and I have two front doors in my house so I got close to the one that's closest to my room and she blocked me! she wouldn't let me pass. And someting was odd about my sister. She was somehow too bendy? Then the next thing "she" did really proved me right- I wanted to move to the other door so that I would be able to get out of the house and she was in front of me again and then the weirdest thing happend- she was in my mom's room and she actually kicked her in the stomach! I was in such shock and the next thing was even weirder- my mother didn't seem to mind too much, her back just bended backwards and then got straight again. It was like two of them were made of rubber!

    Another one I had today- I was sure I was awake (false awakening) and I was in my bed and there was a voice in my head- a very annoying voice of a man that told me "go check and see if the door is wet". So I got really annoyed and started threatening him (them?) and then in front of my eyes, they showed me a hologram of my mother's face, neck up and I knew it came from them so I got really upset and they started laughing hard. Then my sister got upset with me for making so much noise (I don't recall actually speaking, just thinking angry thoughts)- and told me to be quiet, that I was disturbing her and I should "get used to it" (BTW she actually did wake up very cranky and yelling was right about the first thing she did). Anyway, then they showed me a hologram of HER face, looking upset and then I woke up and was really surprised since I was sure I was awake the whole time.

    No idea what this thing was all about but I really hope it won't happen again. At least I could see- which was a nice change since in my last four OBEs or so I was blind for some reason.

    Would love to hear your opinions. Namaste!
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  5. #15
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    I'm not sure what to think.....
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #16
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Well, it's getting worse! Today I tried not to fall asleep at night because last time it happened after waking up but I drifted off to sleep in the middle of the night and right after a dream- in a false awakening, again, I was sure I was awake and felt something getting on my back! I got up and started to feel very dizzy and thought I was about to faint so I started calling for my sister for help over and over again because she was in the kitchen but the voice that came out of me was very faint and got weaker with time. I remembered I told myself a couple of hours before that if something out of the ordinary happened- it was surely an OBE or a dream (last time I thought I was awake and this was the beginning of schizophrenia). Anyhow, I tried to get back to the physical but that didn't work so I continued calling her and looked in the direction of the kitchen- and it was like there was a layer of ice around me! I could barely see through it.

    The worst part is- today it's the Jewish "Yom Kippur" or "Day of Atonement" so I'm supposed to fast and use no electricity for 25 hours :/ last year I spent the entire second day in bed and this year I really wanted to work on my energy development (I did so in the last couple of days- did a lot of energy raising exercises and it seeemed to affect the number of my OBEs for the better but maybe it also attracted whatever is after me). But apparently, I can't even fall asleep like a normal person!
    We'll see how it goes. Will start a thread in the neg section if this nightmare of an OBE goes on.
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  7. #17
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    There are a few things to think about, but of all the possibilities energy work doesn't attract anything- if anything, it helps keep things from attaching to you. That's why Robert's 'rapido' technique is sometimes used to avoid those kinds of problems.
    Regarding schizophrenia, I don't think that's it either, but just to be safe, does it run in the family, and how old are you?
    Finally, many well-known projectors have had issues with what seemed like 'hitchhikers' but were really their own interaction with their physical body when half-projected. I can't tell exactly what the problem is, but I would recommend:
    1-Take a salt bath. If it's neg related it'll help, and if it isn't it may help you relax.
    2-Get as much sleep as possible. This will keep other stuff from happening to you, if it's organic.
    3-It's possible that you had something called 'confabulation'. It happens when you hear something that is actually happening, but don't have the whole picture, so your mind creates something that fits, and you then see 'the explanation' that may be different from what happens. This has happened to me a number of times which is why I am including it in the list of possibilities.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #18
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Thanks, CFT, you're the best I really appreciate that. I don't have schizophrenia running in my family but the closest thing I can think of is when my grandma had a scary attack a long time ago but it was B12 related and it happened only once. And I'm (almost- 2 days away) 23 years old. I think it may be hitchhikers.

    An interesting thing- maybe it's somehow me manifesting this in some way? because when I feared
    schizophrenia (mainly because I'm about to study psychology & I don't think it's going to be very good for my career) I feared hearing voices (even though I've had mild OCD since I was about 12) and the male talked in THE most annoying voice I could ever think of-sort of like Janice from Friends in male form- it would have been pretty funny if I wasn't so darn scared and I feared seeing images in the physical- and that's exactly what has happened to me (I thought it was in the physical but it turned out it wasn't)! and the images looked so clear.
    I forgot to mention that before I fell asleep I thought the most horrible thing that could happen to me would be losing control of my body and in the last time, when it got on my back- my astral body got paralysed and that was one of the reasons why I got so panicked. And after I woke up my physical body started shaking if it makes any sense? maybe it was because I lost energy?

    And BTW, regarding
    confabulation- I do sometimes get glimpses of astral things I can't see- for example- when I thought it may be an incubus who tried to attack me (wrote about it in another thread) the next day or so there was something above my head so I thouched it and as I did I got glimpses of a black hoodie- it was full inside but it had no hands nor head attached to it. I thought I might have manifested it from thinking about it too much (like attracts like, right?)

    In the meantime, I started sleeping on my back and it seemed to help because the attacker seems to always attack me from the same spot on the side on my bed- when I sleep with my back to it.
    Thanx again
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  9. #19
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Hi dear Dontco,
    I might be wrong, I tell you what I feel when Reading your journal....It feels like the structure of illusions/imagenry/false-survival structures is a horrible time, and it will take all what you have of sanity to keep you together and not get lost in insanity...
    Keep your cool, you will survive and not get crazy.
    Enter into your knowledge, you trust too much the outside World, when all what is real and matters is inside of you.
    As I wrote some time ago, I was so terrified and was so sure something outside of me is threatening I coverd my face in a pillow and coverd my ears not to hear when it comes, I did prepare me for what was coming, I was in total terror and fear, but accepted what may come, I did trust all is well, and I did breath and tried to keep my cool as best I could...but big surprise...what was coming and what I feared so much, did come from my inside...a magnific light, I have never experienced such glory in light and blessing and it did come from my inside, I did have no-where to go but to let it come, and it was fantastic, all my fear dissapered and the most wonderful Peace did stay in my whole body and apperance.
    So dear Doncto, I know all about hallusinations both hearing and sight, but it is the false Construction what has to ramble and collapse for us to see the real reality, and it is beneficial even the road to it is many time horrible.
    You are doing good, keep up the good work

    Much Love
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
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  10. #20
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    Re: Dontco's Journal (Spiritual Journey Into The Self)

    Thanx, dear IA, your response is deeply appreciated! I think what you're saying is genius and I hope it's true. I remember Robert Monroe also talked about facing his fears in the beginning of his books, and then later again- but I don't think he did it in the RTZ which is a bit confusing. I'm sorry you had to go through this, too :/
    An interesting fact that supports what you are saying is that today I had a dream realated to this girl I haven't seen in ages so I thought to myself- why did I dream about her? there must have been a reason. So I wrote her name down and played with the syllables just a little bit. It was very apparent to me her name can easily be rearranged into the phrase "NO MORE FEAR".
    Sending much love your way
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    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
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