Hello, dear dreamers! I wanted to ask for your opinion on something. For a long number of years I've been having these "non-dreams" sometimes, in the night. I'll give you an example.
About two nights ago I went to sleep at 00:30 after listening to Hemi-Sync a bit that day. I thought about the usage of it and how it should help my spiritual development during the day and I assume I also thought about it before going to sleep. So suddenly I "clicked out" at 02:02 AM and Realized I wasn't asleep up until now- what I remembered from the entire time was a guy who explained to me the importance and usage of Hemi Sync- for a very long time, I think the entire time.

That was the only thing I remembered when I "clicked out" since I'm sure I wasn't asleep during that time- or at least I wasn't deep enough. I didn't feel sleepy- like when I usually do when I wake up in the middle of the night. These has been happening to me for years now- I don't recall how long but I usually just realize I'm not asleep and, let's call it, "seeing visions", then "click out" and get frustrated because I understand I didn't sleep half the night, again, and I have to get up early the next morning. And I have insomnia, too, so that just adds to the problem

These are not dreams, and I usually don't remember them, at least consiously. Sort of "visions" and I don't think there is a guy teaching, everytime. What do you think about it? normal?