l keeps trying to hit me up for sex but saying he only wants sex not a relationship or friendship or dating.i told him again to just leave me alone if that's all he wants. i dont get him at all. the problem is i actually really enjoy him as sex and he may be one of the better sexual partners i've had. And,i enjoy hanging out with him. he's been acting weird and confusing ever since we had sex.
-T contacting me the other day randomly saying i am so beautiful and that he's thought this for awhile and is just finally speaking up about it and asking when can we go on a date. of course,now i've been thinking about him. i'm over B and T and L are the ones mainly on my mind. L used to ignore texts all the time and disappear but now he's actually coming back after some time and responding.
-my appetite coming back
-being able to help L kitten
-vegan food
-drinking more water
-my phone
-my job going well the other day and feeling like my first career job again
-beauty products
-physical exercise
-the magic book by rhonda byrne i got in the mail
-healthy digestion
-earning more money then last year
-TV episodes online and on my phone
-going with the flow
-my kind heart
-my miu miu clutch
-getting things done
-my strength