-forgiving myself for sleeping all day. a part of me just wanted to and sometimes it's ok to be wrong.
-D texting me early in the morning and all being normal with us
-deciding to back away from the tarot readings. it's addictive and takes willpower to back off but i'm starting slow with just one day at a time,no reading. It's fun to indulge in the drama of tarot and interesting to get perspectives but it's very disempowering. sure,some things seemed accurate,but for the most part,how can i really know? and,if i get upset about something in a tarot,what am i going to do ask D about it and say the tarot said this or that? he already thinks i'm crazy. i'd rather feel empowered that I create my reality. Sometimes,i got upset simply because tarot suggested awful things such as rape and abuse and massive betrayal and heartbreak.i don't need that stress in my life,life has enough external stressors and tarot also said i was pregnant a few weeks ago so tarot is often not even right but if you see a card,you just give it all this power subconsciously and something stressful then becomes created from that and resistances to the flow of things happen.so,no backing away from the tarot. tarot said last night D wouldn't text me today and i got the darkest possible cards and well he did text and all was well.
-mason jars
-a nice cardio session today that kills me that's how intense it is
-being considered someone to go to for advice on things. one new thing being nutrition,people seem to think i know about that
-a nice vegan breakfast and coffee
-feeling so positive this morning and alive and feelings of something amazing is coming. it felt like a high
-mobile photo editing apps
-my industry
-feeling very interconnected with life and one with non linear time
-getting a little bit done
-feeling overall relaxed
-business partner getting work done today
-confirming in my head business partner definitely doesn't like D which is unusual for her,she usually likes everyone i do so i do think it's a possible sign.
-being feminine
-feeling inspired
-beautiful visions
-my accomplishments
-how great my backside is looking. it's so close to perfect now,and all it took was about 2 and a half weeks of stringent toning focused regimen and maintaining an adequate amount of protein in my diet. i feel so much more confident now in little shorts
-feeling overall detached from D today. well,i slept all day but even when i awoke,i didn't feel antsy for a text from him or wondering when he would text or tempted to text him
-feeling all these desires and dreams and allowing myself to fantasize about things that feel good like joyful activities. just allowing myself to dream and think good feeling thoughts
-being an overall dreamy person
-feeling motivated and focused
-how much life opens up and expands for you when you raise your vibration
-stylish music
-feeling more confident about reaching my goals and the feeling of anything can happen
-stylish people
-attractive people
-that things i've wanted for awhile now are indeed happening now
-how beautiful life can be
-how transformative and healing happiness is
-having the most amazing jobs in the world
-that I do have things to offer,even if i don't often feel like it
-my mantra i'm working on of no assuming. it's my big becoming better and evolving focus at the moment and a great way to surrender since it naturally puts you in a no expectations mindset and allows magic to then happen within that gap