-feeling clean
-feeling relaxed
-the feeling of release and movement now that project 21 is released. such an energetic release,i realize every time 2nd career projects complete
-high protein vegan food
-altering my workouts slightly because i've been getting bored with them,and how great that feels now to more motivated again
-D contacting me today.
-warm,soothing,mood boosting coffee
-these beautiful orange roses. love the color so much. roses are my favorite flower
-loving myself
-all the new instagram activity later with people somehow noticing me and starting to follow me that know me and offer me things,very odd how i'm being found lately
-an artist i've worked with being featured in my city really close to where i live,a few blocks away,actually. perhaps,i'll check it out.
-positive tarot readings on E and his feelings for me and what he wants,and what he wants to give me. super,super positive. just also,realizing,he's maybe been more caring then irealized this whole time,and maybe could be better for me,and give me more then some of these other guys,and i just brushed it off and assumed he couldn't. realizing and remembering all the little details about me he's always remembered,too which is super sweet and makes me feel special. i adore his sentimental side. being able to picture more then just kissing with him now,but relationship things too
-remembering my loved one who left this physical reality,and making sure she is remembered. i miss her so much.
-my perceptions changing in positive ways that are healing,naturally which is really nice
-enjoying food more then ever since becoming vegan since i now have more pride in what i eat
-business partner being more chatty today
-feeling motivated about 2nd business again and like i do want to keep doing it
-all my accomplishments and cool things i do
-being able to see how E sees me more,and thinking it's cute. he seems to see me as child-like and innocent
-upcoming business trip
-my interests and personality
-water,and drinking lots of it
-allowing and accepting imperfection
-being kind
-my eyeglasses
-that it's spring time,and i've felt ready for it,and moved forward
-that i'm over B ,and also have been for some time,D
-that i seem like someone who is quite a looker in the perceptions of others and based on interest i recieve
-the lunar eclipse,and what S and online forum person said to me making me realize the truth about E and unlocking all my feelings,actually i've been burning my favorite incense which is unlock so that,too could be playing a part
-sleep getting a little bit better
-being thought of
-knowing i have a lot going for me
-seeing other famous people with my features which me feel better about some of my insecurities
-the industry i work in
-how different my mindset,and moods are and happiness compared to this time last year. i've found so many amazing tools to boost happiness and things i've changed that i never thought of before,that i can just be for hours upon a time daily,in a way that is different from before. just so much more mind clarity and ease of getting to happiness. i almost want to write an article or something about it.
-literature and how storybook life is seeming to me lately,more and more
-all the spiritual truths that have expanded themselves to me in the last 9 months or so