-how amazing and super high vibration i feel,i feel like i'm on clouds
-realizing B is everything i want,he is super sweet yet masculine and possessive and wants me to be happy and realizing i need to trust him more
-remembering i can do some quantum healing to work on my trust with B and heal some things
-all the positive energy my best friend has sent me
-getting gifts in the mail
-getting samples from a p.r secured that i can use for a project i've been working on
-so many things coming together right now!
-the sun
-leaving my door open despite it being cold because it's nicer out
-my slimness
-my style
-mason jars
-liquid diets for dinner a few times a week and how good that is for you
-my personality and uniqueness and attractive and cool inner qualities
-sky blue nail polish
-getting caught up on workouts last night
-my amazing accomplishments and someone from organization i admire wanting to share work we did together publically and what a compliment it is to be recognized by high end people
-making people happy
-my motivation and cheerleader attitude
-my flexibility and dancer's poise in how i move my body
-my clumsiness too,because that is cute
-all the cool people i meet
-all the forward movement that's come about
-being a woman
-that this month has felt like magic,and already much better then the majority of the last year. such a high note to this year
-poetry and fairytales
-the industry i work in
-all that i have going for me
-the magic of life
-life feeling new and fresh
-the interconnection and oneness of life
-deep breathing
-feeling abundant and secure
-my hair
-my nails
-my increase in energy
-my hair,nails,and energy ever since becoming vegan and how it's transformed
-orange extract
-my creativity