-the warm weather
-how it's going to be even warmer tomorrow. summer weather and it's not even spring yet!
-using today to get back on track with cleaning and meditating so i'll be on a good start for the week
-peanut butter chip cookies
-clean eating
-getting a kabuki brush
-ordering cute new shoes for spring
-my eyes
-my face
-my vision,ideas,and tastes
-the feeling of fullness,expansion,and possibility in my heart
-the 5 minute micro meditation session i did and my higher self telling me again how important upcoming business trip is going to be and telling me i'm going to get a surprise soon of B contacting me
-the large signs i've been getting of B,the serendipity
-how ifeel about B that seems to be telling me i love him,since the way i've been acting and behaving is in the way of people i've loved in the past. example of how traits of them i am adoring now such as country they are from and astrological sign
-how much i enjoy physical exercise that days off literally bum me out
-the abstract
-seeing the law of attraction at work when i thought to myself i'd love to find green food color at the grocery store when i couldn't and then randomly out of nowwhere all by itself in a section it shouldn't be in,i found a single box of green food color.i was so entertained by it,that i took a picture and of course bought the food color
-my ideas
-my artist mindset
-being famous
-my appreciation for the divine feminine energy
-my hair
-loving myself,and my confidence and following what the loving myself version of me would do. keeping my standards high,and being true to myself
-all the work offers for upcoming business trip,it's amazing
-being success focused
-black tights
-bohemian styles
-all the inspiration
-essential oils
-my smarts
-what i have to offer
-giving things space
-the shape of my eyebrows
-looking so forward to spring and summer and how amazing and powerful it will be,it may just be the most powerful spring and summer of my life
-good things that are coming to me
-all the different styles of meditation
-getting perspective on the E situation and how i think he feels and what i think and feel
-being myself
-the abundance in my life
-my unique way of looking at the world
-all the possibilities and opportunities and not being afraid to say no to them since i love myself and trust the flow of life to keep providing
-knowing myself
-downloading a vegan app on my phone and finding even more ways vegan foods to try,that are even closer to where i live,and some even more inexpensive
-getting some tea tree oil to try switching to this instead of traditional acne treatment i've been using
-positive changes
-the amazing delicious and huge falafel sandwich i had for dinner last night
-that on my diet and fitness plan,i can eat as much as i want with no worrying or guilt. and,also following what my body wants.
-learning more about adult life and ways people find happiness in their life,and that there's never any reason to worry about getting old as society would have you believe because there's so many ways to have a fulfilling life still and feel young and happy. it amazes me continously,and i'm sure perhaps the loa is in work,as i see more ways i don't need to fear when iget older
-how positive minded i feel
-beauty in the broken
-my beautiful soul
-the little things we can appreciate that are touching or adorable or show something
-getting the living room cleaned up
-learning more and more about life and theories i have of the true nature of reality and metaphysics
-my power