-TV episodes online
-getting prescribed benzos today
-talking to a psychic today and getting clear info on T kitten and where he is at and what to do. She said he's alive. she thinks he may be my cat soul connection who passed on in 2014. after she passed on,i had a dream of someone giving me a gray cat,and T kitten is gray.
-feeling relief today for some reason.
-self appreciation
-getting the bed cleared
-the pet psychic believing in the law of attraction and telling me to allow T kitten back and visualize it.
-my eyeglasses
-my beauty
-the beautiful,intoxicating weather today.
-getting my lavender and ashwagandha herbal medicinals in the mail today
-sending out emails for jobs today
-the skinny cat who looks like S kitten letting me come closer. who is this cat who hangs with our cats and looks just like S kitten?
-getting my pacifica nail color in the mail
-feeling like reality is more malleable lately
-social media
-sky gazing
-getting letter to M about 60% done
-warm showers
-bare feet
-the cats liking the lysine chews i bought
-my chocolates that came in the mail
-blueberry waffles
-plant based foods
-doing some reading of the powe
-feeling my faith growing and my vibe raising