-green smoothies
-my amazing healing green smoothie recipe
-more things getting done
-calming down
-meditating today
-showers and how relaxing and good they feel
-the amazing benefits i'm seeing from green smoothies
-feeling in my cells i changed and shifted with block number 3 today. it's amazing timing. everytime i finish with one block,shortly after the other feels ready to be completed,like it's done,it's cleared now.i've been doing several blocks at once so am very happy that even altering it that way is having things work with feeling ready to move on from each block after the time spent on it,one at a time.
-feeling very feminine
-feeling very inspired and beautiful and ready for newness
-the room being emptied out now and only having the bikes in there and dresser now. it makes me feel more settled and better
-feeling i really need to throw more things out and that it's time and will help me grow
-focusing more on beauty again.
-stretches and how good they feel
-feeling more confident about future things getting done that i was nervous about
-getting that feeling that it's going to be an amazing autumn filled with fun.
-how amazing and healthy and strong my teeth are
-how beautiful my hair is
-how much softer my energy is becoming
-ice cold water and how amazing it tastes,ice cold water is my new favorite beverage right now
-having a place to live
-finding the things that work for me
-great books
-the sound of the trains going by
-feeling more relaxed about things and confident
-starting to feel more caught up with life and like things are as they should be and feeling in the moment of life and the month of august