-being more productive and waking up earlier today. what a mood boost that is.
-doing a no soda day today and feeling ready for 3 days a week of it.
-la croix
-laying down
-insurance saying they will preauthorize the gum surgery i need for an out of network provider for me.
-the magic of life. i'm trying to feel more connected to it.
-T kitten trying to climb up me this morning when i went out to see him. so cute.
-the interesting selections at the grocery store today,the random ethnic varieties of things they had.
-being able to read
-drinking more water today
-TV episodes online
-playing with "i believe" my favorite affirmation.
-backbends and how strong they make me feel.
-a meetup i might go to this week since it's right after work and near it
-seeing a workshop that seemed interesting that i might go to this month and that it's free
-the uber fare package i bought for the month. so nice.
-my new phone
-having an antidepressant i'm on now and feeling like it's helping me to maintain some stability/calm in my mind
-nice weather today. it felt so lucid.
-having an exciting,positive knowing feeling last night of feeling like certain areas of life that felt blocked feeling ready to be opened
-the solar plexus/theta musics playlist i'm listening to
-the creative hunch i had for upcoming job to use a fake flower for a prop instead of real,that it actually fits my concept way more...and also will happen to be a lot cheaper too which is nice.
-great design
-my body feeling a little stronger from using it a little more
-my eyesight
-getting more studying done for computer skill learning course i am on
-deep cleansing breaths
-getting table in my room cleaned off and organized
-having a kind heart
-having strong,healthy teeth
-colorful,fun things
-having nice lips
-my dolce&gabbana sunglasses case
-being able to wear flip flops and letting my feet relax
-kind people
-my outdoor cats
-creative ideas and creative hunches
-my beauty
-more jobs i was able to apply to today
-being smart