-feeling in such a great mood today!
-getting the protein drinks made
-protein drinks!
-having a place to live
-letter project being done and looking perfect and i really did a good job
-interview for more work confirmed
-person i took a risk to contact for work said yes!
-seen an amazing interview offer at a favorite club with a famous person in my inbox so got that which is great,i had just been thinking i'd like to do an event again soon
-seeing A the guy i really like and have for some time posting more things online that i just know is too drive me crazy,either we are really in tune or he is really keeping tabs on me,or most likely both.i really adore him. he has everything i want in a guy.
-how sexy guys can be!
-my pep!
-feeling love
-amazing journaling session last night where i realized i've been assuming too much and that it's time to let go of that and the beauty that can happen when you do and how it takes you to a no expectations mindset doing that which ends up bringing exactly what you desire anyways
-feeling confident and decisive
-keeping and sticking with my vision
-soothing upbeat music
-that project is almost done
-feeling loved and adored exactly as i am,even with my craziness and annoyingness
-how the more you love yourself,the more loved you feel by others
-soul connections
-the feeling of dejavu
-the feeling that something amazing is about to happen.i feel it in my bones. i'm right where i should be.
-that best friend is becoming more ambitious and that learning a great way to get this out of him is to aim twice as high,he then always ends up reaching higher as a compromise
-that november has overall been going pretty well
-being and feeling beautiful
-interconnectedness and oneness
-that all is well,all is really well
-my city
-the people i know and meet,i know such cool,interesting people and have access to more interesting,cool people then the average person and for that i am grateful
-knowing it's all going to work out
-relaxing,surrendering,and healing
-enthusiasm and motivation
-energy and the dance and flow of energy and things that help me get back on track understanding it,understanding how to heal the flow of energy when it feels blocked and how to trust the flow of energy when it doesn't feel like it's going "my" way
-ab exercises. they feel so good and really make me feel nice and open
-high protein diet and getting in all high protein for the day and how good it makes me feel