-being easy on myself
-calming down from rage i had earlier
-realizing all the things coming up lately in EFT and limiting beliefs from my issues with others is probably me manifesting sloughing off my angers and worries that i've set the intention for. my intention was to become a more relaxed person and to not be angry or worrier
-ex A contacting me just now
-manifesting another follow up random text after that resistance cleared from the day before in regards to something i had wanted but had felt blocked because of other issues. so weird how after clearing and having things come to surface on one issue this happened.
-confidence building subliminal
-getting more money put on my card
-self forgiveness
-the internet
-EFT. it's been such a major help for me
-my mom telling me she got some kind of settlement of $6,000 and is now moving finally on so and so certain date. very good news! i've been wanting her to move for awhile. it made me mad she kept saying she was but still hadn't. also,impressed seeing look she manifests quite well,just doesn't even realize it!
-my hair and how beautiful it is
-that i'm getting through month of march and so far there has been two setbacks but they resolved fairly quickly and also have done less affirmations and my sleep has been very messed up which i feel is messing up with my feeling good so those are two fixes
-that i can go see cat tomorrow
-being able to blog for the month
-a great visualization session in the morning. well,really i do multiple mini sessions for about an hour
-realizing how freaking amazing i'm going to feel come by the time this month is over and around mid april or so. wow. i'm going to feel such a release and sense of freedom seeing i got through all this and wow,see everything is fine and how silly i had been
-all the stuff that came to the surface about my brother,and realizing it looks like he was the source of psychic attack from aug-dec and how much sense it makes