-body oil gel
-clean towels
-the positive tarot readings i keep getting on B that are not only super exact perfect,but also keep connecting more and more as in accurate
-doing some spring cleaning tonight
-doing some painting tonight,just to mix it up
-S contacting me to go out.it annoyed since it was so last minute and had it not been,i may have been able to go,but it was nice to be invited
-going shopping today
-taking today and yesterday off from fitness to mix it up for days off
-the sun
-getting beauty sample today in the mail
-being peace and love when my peace was disturbed today
-allowing my mind to fantasize a little today when it felt drawn to. felt nice
-getting my eyebrows threaded today and how much better it always makes my face look
-mason jars
-getting a chic looking new black sportsbra
-how slowed down i feel lately and more in the flow
-how happy i felt tonight
-how forward moving i feel now
-frog splits stretches. love that pose.
-how pretty my face is
-coming to my senses about D
-feeling sensual and feminine
-how amazing of a life i have,and remembering that,and the things i have to show
-cool art
-feeling better about certain physical insecurity
-that upcoming business trip is coming soon
-goal best friend checked off list
-getting best friend to confide in me a little
-talking with best friend today
-meeting my goal of waking up slightly earlier each day earlier and earlier the last three days,almost back on schedule i'd like
-quieting down
-shedding aspects of myself
-pisces,aquarius,and sagittarius and all there is to learn from these signs
-protein powder that is vegan
-being as small i am
-being as happy and motivated as i am
-no longer having that need feeling for b
-seeing b checked into dating site again which made me feel good,even though i also know deep down inside,that assuming things is pointless
-feeling cozy feelings
-how gorgeous my hair is
-that it's springtime
-how much my body is transforming,and my muscles tightening
-how gorgeous i looked in the mirror today
-my backside and how curvy it is
-having nicely shaped lips
-actually feeling tired,which shows best friend's tip about insomnia may have been right
-all the metaphysical natures of reality truths and theories that come to me to ponder
-my lavender oil