-yoga pants
-having sexy curves
-going to pilates even though i didn't want to because then at class,her friend D was there,and at the end,M suggested to her friend D that we go bike riding together. i have suspected he has a crush on me.he has a vibe and just acts sort of silly around me.he seemed very excited about the idea so now there is officially a way for us to hang out that has come about besides just seeing him at classes. he is a much older man,and it's quite strange but i do feel slightly drawn to him. i'm not sure if it's just because part of me is lonely and likes the attention,or if it's that side of me that likes the drama and controversy of it. i've never dated a much older man,and i'm not sure i would,but if it did happen to come to about,it'd be something to check off my list as something different.
-pizza without cheese
-M's husband driving me to work today and getting coffee on the way
-my job at the yoga studio. love it there.
-the new people i've met this year
-the diffuser in my room
-my latest article i've been working on getting more formed today and being almost done now.
-seeing my last article posted and published and how good it is.i really like how i did that one. i love that feeling of pride in myself and accomplishment.
-when i feel attractive. sometimes,i wonder what if i'm really hideous and just don't know it,but then i seem to attract so many guys,even when my hair is unbrushed,no makeup on and lazy clothes or just being totally aloof so i must be more attractive then i realize.i get asked out and hit on constantly and in the most random of places and situations.
-the internet
-protein shake M made me tonight and deciding to add basil to it.