-my root chakra incense
-D going on our first date, and even having our first kiss. lip pecks. it was super cute. we want to move slow.
-my new lip injections i got
-caring people
-D saying he likes me and that i am special and the connection we have been sharing
-my new credit card i was approved for that should be coming anyday now
-getting a disount of $40 from the points i've earned from coming in so far to the place i go for my injections
-my leopard print coat
-following up with people to get more jobs coming
-relaxing about money
-physical exercise
-being a loving person
-my lorazapam
-people being happy with the holiday cards i've sent them
-banana syrup
-having a nice body frame
-getting things cleaned up and organized
-getting a date confirmed for my creative project in january
-having beautiful innocent eyes
-deep cleansing breaths
-warm showers
-cute socks
-crying and releasing
-being productive
-laughing at life
-my new air purifier in my living room
-updating my resume
-submitting for more jobs
-finding out payroll should be in a few days