-chocolates i was given
-the paranoia subliminal i bought and how nice it is to listen to on my phone and have the files on there
-being able to blog
-starting my ritual and getting more faith i'm in the right,and things will turn around in my favor at any moment now
-emailing with S
-getting massage appointment made
-the month being half way over,and although march has been very rocky and makes me concerned,that at least it's half way over
-my beautiful pink roses and incorporating them into my ritual
-feeling more and more inspiration to go forward with next strides towards overcoming my anxiety issue,and feeling like i have a sort of one year plan for overcoming it now and wanting to make this the year i overcome it once and for all
-getting a really,really,really strong hit of mind control last night that knocked me out and made me feel like practically a vegetable last night.i could barely move. this showed me i clearly scared my best friend. he had sent me energy earlier when and i had asked and he seemed to send for something else too and he said he did it to calm me down and i had felt strange,very calm then later we had a fight about something and i threatened him and i felt a strong hit come over me. it was scary,actually,but it was interesting,and also showed me i must've scared him.
-getting a good feeling about things this morning,that my win is near
-feeling present in the moment and appreciative this morning for all i've been through,and knowing there's been good,and i will win
-knowing that what i seek,is seeking me
-getting EFT done on be careful what you wish for,which helped me to finally feel at ease with setting the intention of her leaving my reality.
-getting pillows washed
-my beauty
-all i have going for me
-my desires coming to the surface