-my eyes
-my healthy ears
-getting my hair colored
-being healthy
-my eyeglasses
-mountain dew
-clean towels
-being able to tune in and sense psychic energy from others
-sleeping in living room again
-all the limiting beliefs i've cleared and new,fresh ways of looking at things now
-neville goddard material
-getting through February
-finding a song that had come to me when I think of A and using it to sort of trigger a hypnotic state
-mental influence
-being interesting in hypnosis
-feeling some of cleansed and clear on desires in a way i haven't for years now and being able to stay in a state of not looking for the how or wondering the details or comparing to others but instead just feeling the soul desire
-color therapy
-that i can get my computer fixed whenever im ready now
-my job on sunday
-my conviction
-that i havent checked tarot in about a month(havent kept track of exact length) and ever since I finally have inner knowing again
-the bed i'm on
-getting natural at no longer trying to work out the how or when of things
-motivational pics on my phone
-feeling more bursts of happiness and less worry
-EFT since it still does work for me
-following what feels good