-the sun
-starting yoga outdoors on my porch and how amazing that feels
-how my face is changing somehow,and it's amazing. i think it's the vitamins.
-the power of non-resistance and how as soon as i let go with protein and decided on a lower amount that i think is best for me and more natural..i now find myself exceeding it and telling myself how easy it is to get protein
-pineapple soda
-clean eating nourishing food
-police in my district for making me feel safe after a very creepy incident happened with hearing odd sounds of soft repeated steps followed by just as get to my door to lock it,someone shows up on the top of the stairs! i had quite a panic. the police caught him,said his story matches up and was unarmed and brought him to train station and police even came back a 2nd time within 30 seconds after i panicked and thought i seen him again and stuck close the first time they left.i am grateful.i still can't get over how eerie that was and wondering why that really happened,and have been jumpy at nighttime ever since. even this whole incident,feels dream-like,like something i'd dream,and makes me wonder more about the true nature of reality,and multiple realities and symbolisms and dreams.
-wheel yoga pose and going back to doing more yoga.
-creating my own workouts
-lemon water
-my ex A wanting to go to dinner with me this weekend
-right after getting really mad at E and even writing in my notebook about what do i want and writing i want E to stop being stupid,lo and behold today he texts me! first time in almost two months. the power of letting go,i'm sure since that's how i've felt.
-how strong my arms are getting from wheel pose,and how slim they are
-vegan ice cream made with coconut milk
-all the job offers kicking
-the social offers kicking in
-the interesting things i'm curious to possibly do kicking in
-talking to roommate about how certain thing affected me with feeling like i have been a little trying to keep up with the joneses perhaps,and maybe would be ok with moving to a neighborhood not far north,but that it makes me mad that i've been triggered twice recently especially the last one,to finally feel like there's nothing wrong with living in my neighborhood or side of the city,nor do i need to feel embarrassed and how stupid that is. and,that i do want to move out of my neighborhood but might be ok with staying on my side of the city i'm on but just going a little more north. it makes me mad though that i've not seen how part of me was being and that my true desires,i'd rather just more freedom above all else.i don't like feeling like i've been influenceable,but the truth is,every single person is,at least sometimes,on some level. for so long,i thought north side would give me more freedom,and everyone i know is on north side,and seeing more people are on or going to south side now,has made me annoyed,but maybe it's a lesson from the universe to dream big,but also be yourself.i just also realize every time i covet a neighborhood,eventually that person moves anyway,and how stupid it is,and to just be myself,and follow my own path,as not everyone is living in those upscale neighborhoods.
-my new sleep schedule and how much earlier i wake up now
-music and listening to music on with my headphones on music site and all the songs i'm discovering
-the warm weather today
-all the travel inspirations. even food in my city is dulling me now
-how moved forward i feel
-how happy i feel today
-being confident
-my ideas
-how admired i am and how influenced people are by me
-how much more peaceful it is going to bed at a more normal hour
-hearing my brother tell me about an experience the day a loved one left that he experienced too and him saying this on his own and out of nowwhere about how the day i told him,the sky and the outside just seemed really quiet and peaceful and how weird that was. I felt the exact way and have no doubt in my mind that was something. And,was a sign that the universe had just had an angel enter heaven. I was crying on the porch remembering that worst day of my life,and how peaceful the sky felt. I love her so damn much and it really isn't fair.
-i must be in a really surrendered state because another thing,is i picked up a bottle of wine the other day just on instinct,and sure enough found a use for it,as my mom wanted to stop by for my brothers birthday and so we had wine. so perfect. love being in the flow,and those kinds of experiences and following instincts. it was also eerie,bittersweet,and sad how much of a moment it felt like for them,like i had really done something by having them over. it just seemed like one of those moments that would playback later on down the line in a flashback of life moments..it's weird when that happens..when you have those moments that you feel are that,not even by your own intention but just the feeling you get
-my beauty
-feeling filed with possibility
-how open i feel
-getting work done this week
-how high end i am
-my kind heart
-following the intuitive way,for diet,life,style,fitness,and more
-how new things feel
-chakra healing music
-how flexible my lower back is
-well written and interesting stories
-how i curate and my personality
-coming back to myself,more and more
-how i've changed over the years