-my eyeglasses
-knowing bad moods are temporary and i can be patient and pull out of them and that a bad mood isn't reality
-these beautiful pink flowers with green stems.i am so drawn to them.i love the beautiful colors which are heart chakra colors. i love how eyecatching they look and remind me of spring time.i love how i swear it felt like looking at them boosted my mood and even caused heart chakra sensations to occur in my chest.
-food tasting better and really savoring it
-roses. my favorite flower and finding out somewhere i think they are one of the most high vibration flowers..perhaps this is why i am so drawn to them. pink roses,i'd say,are my favorite!
-the delicious indian food sauce made with cumin and other ingredients that is so good
-coffee and having two cups of it and being fine. so glad i can have coffee again
-getting money added to my card today
-all these love feelings i keep feeling lately.i don't know what's going on but i just feel so much love!
-a good,normal laugh and being goofy at the store with best friend the other day. that was so needed.it was the first time we had laughed and had a normal moment in what felt like months.it reminded me that we are more then our fights lately,and our pains with each other,but also we have a connection,and we DO get along with each other. It was such a normal,authentic moment. I have no doubt he is my soulmate. The moment reminded me of goofy moments we'd have like that months ago,and how I seen him with R back in late Nov. They had been laughing and looked very in tune with each other for a moment,and it made me feel a slightly odd,but that moment we had at the store,was actually the same,really.
-sending another email with more on my perspective of things to best friend. he may not be reading them all,but i feel compelled to send them. it helps me heal and sort it all out,to see his side,and to see mine.
-my apartment
-getting best friend to open sauce jar before he left
-avoiding brown soda again today. this time my mom came by and brought her two liter of RC over and i kept looking at it,almost wanting to ask for a cup,but i resisted. i believe spending a lot of time with brother and mom during the fall and winter made me crave and drink more of that stuff since they drink a lot of it,and it's a habit i took from them. it's funny the things i get addicted to that i have to avoid are brown sodas and tarot. Other people are cigarettes or other things,but for me those things i get addicted to easily and i believe are not good for me.
-my mom organizing the garbage for me and putting it in two bags instead of all the little bags it was in which made it look much better.i insisted she didn't have to clean but how nice that she did do that
-my confidence subliminal i am listening to right now that i love. it's actually one of the very first subliminals i ever discovered years ago and that i loved so much back then. it's so feel good and practically addictive and now here i am listening to it again. i never used it regularly back then though,so am going for a full month now with this. hmm,on a side note,maybe this is why i've been so full of love.
-enjoying the law of attraction and creating again
-creating new shifts in my reality by all the new tweaks i am doing on old limiting beliefs. it is amazing,all the clearing i am doing
-my book i've been reading that i'm still not finished with. it's so good.i love it.i love how i feel i am nerding out about something most people probably can't see what's so exciting about it,but to me,i find it amazing. i definitely want to read more books like this again in the future.
-feeling so filled with possibility again and excitement and even able to reconnect with old desires again which is huge. for so long,i felt apathy and disconnect from that,but now that i've cleared some things,i feel amazing. i feel part of something important to me is to connect,and reconnect with things,as it makes everything feel like love and so connected and optimistic.
-colors. so amazing the way colors make my eyes feel! such a delight
-that i'm getting through february
-valentines day. my favorite holiday. how can i not love a day devoted to love.
-no longer believing in predestiny and how freeing it is
-feeling good again
-knowing how to hook up a wifi connection from phone to laptop now
-my strong inner knowing all will be well,and i will win and feeling more able to relax
-how delicious springtime is already starting to feel to me
-deep cleansing breaths which relax me and slow me down
-this interesting moment earlier where i kept having lyrics to songs come to my mind that were by me and they were in song format,complete with a trendy dance beat and all. it fascinated me and made me wonder perhaps i am meant to be a song writer!