-that time of the month products
-grapeseed oil
-having dental insurance
-my weight going down
-hot guys
-getting my sunglasses in the mail today
-new life experiences
-my outdoor cats
-the heating pad M's husband found working and the cats seeming to like it
-the weather being nicer today
-having a ride to work today
-buying myself a new shirt today i've been wanting for awhile
-having a little bit of alcohol today
-having the house to myself for a bit today which was rejuvenating
-the look guys often give me that makes me feel attractive
-seeing the thing on R's fb wasn't a negative thing like i thought,but actually a positive animal thing
-things that ease my jealousies
-buddha statues
-my mom sending me pics of my brother's cat together with her cat and also her dog. that made my day.