-listening to music that is fun and happy
-following what feels good and happy
-going tanning today
-tank tops
-interesting news stories
-happy,positive new stories
-having my door open right now
-one sign so far today
-all the instagram likes
-how great my instagram page looks
-identifying that limiting belief i had last night and how inspiring that was to clear that energy blockage
-a nice sweet vegan breakfast
-knowing that when you get yourself a little stuck,you may get unstuck within a moment,or it may take a few days,or a little longer,but stay determined,and focus on the progress.i can feel the progress being made as the little messes of energy blockages are getting cleared.
-tuning into my feelings and negative thoughts for a quick moment and asking why and self talk through vs just trying not to think about it,which is actually more helpful. positive self coaxing out of the negative thought seems to work better sometimes versus just straight out not thinking about it
-seeing things slightly starting to bloom a little
-having a great body
-how great my hair looks
-that today,i will focus more on visualizing and pre-paving in my free times
-writing affirmations in my notebook before drifting to sleep which helped me to fall asleep with a calm mind and wake up in a good mood
-how great and healthy my teeth look
-knowing i can change my reality incredibly and miraculously at any moment
-getting in the vortex more and more
-a great spirituality blog i love and follow
-getting myself excited which is great
-knowing I WILL manifest some amazing desires this summer,and right now and that i will stay on a vibration high more often and more consistently
-remembering fun
-opening myself more and more and feeling myself expanding a little bit towards more desires i'd like to experience and possibilities. i know this is key. openness. a great keyword.
-the power of happiness
-that i will manifest a miracle today
-my primary career and the benefits it offers me and the image and status it gives me
-higher self insights coming to me more and more that are aiding me in what to do
-my spiritual awakening. i was remembering last night,that i may not even be alive today with some of the things i went through if i hadn't gone through that spiritual awakening which gave me a faith,and tools,and understanding to fall back on with things
-that life is about to get very fun,and that i'm on the verge of arrival to the happy boat. my metaphor for where happiness is.
-all the amazing fun moments about to enter my reality,and how much of a match i am going to for them and how i am going to have more consistent amazing fun moments.
-the power of pre-paving
-correcting my thinking
-that i am amazing,and deserve to manifest my desires
-that what you seek is seeking you
-that i am aligning with feeling:like i'm having so much fun,like life is exciting,social,connected,appreciated,included,val idated,secure,and free. i am aligning with the feelings of what i want to feel.
-that i am immersing in non-expectation. i expect nothing and it feels wonderful as it gets the how out of my thoughts,and allows me to be open with whatever beauty and wonder the universe wants to surprise me with and how amazing i KNOW it will be.
-that my mind is pretty focused
-all the amazing changes i am going to create