-deciding to be more loving to myself
-making myself a nice large mostly vegan dinner with wine
-deciding and getting done a first draft for an article i am going to write which is one of my new year's resolutions and feeling pretty good about it
-sleeping good today
-feeling more detached and how good space is starting to feel
-that R is almost out of the picture and that someone more divine will fill her place in the perfect time
-my job coming up
-getting a little reading done
-best friend coming home today even though weather was bad
-getting outside for a bit and taking some cool winter pics to post for social media that i liked a lot
-drinking a nice mason jar of water upon waking to start my day right
-having a cup of coffee today to keep slowly easing my way back into having coffee again
-great ideas to shift my situation from loa forums
-that i got through the day of this storm and almost the night
-best friend sending reiki for me
-getting best friend to send my mom a happy birthday text
-my phone
-my phone charger
-relaxing about some things
-a nice meditation i did last night which helped me to see things calmly and feel a sense of truth about the future. not an overexaggerated good,and nothing bad,but similar to normal and how great that felt
-deciding to stop watching TV despite practically everyone's advice since i actually see a direct manifestation from watching a TV show a few times while here. that show made me more emotional and thinking sad type thoughts and sure enough then i manifested my one friend getting her rings just like on that show which is too weird,and NOT a coincidence. If that's not obvious indicator that nothing is predestined and that thoughts create everything,then i don't know what is. It actually makes me feel a lot better to see that.
-seeing how outside's peoples opinions have made me not see clearly and made the situation more negative based on their own thoughts..or should i say me being affected by their thoughts
-business partner saying by next week she should be ready to buy the website thing we are doing
-that i'm getting stronger
-that i was in a good mood the other night for a good few hours
-being safe
-living in a nice apartment that feels a little bit like a sense of community here
-being more logical and more fear becoming eradicated
-my goals
-my things that make me happy
-remembering my strengths
-calming down about some things
-getting better at acknowledging limiting beliefs
-believing in myself more