-getting email and call from bank to find out the issue and what next step is
-being nice and slim today
-feeling cleansed and well today
-having healthy,great looking teeth
-buying a massage reflexology deal which i've been wanting for a bit
-finding out who my mom's best friend was that transitioned. it was the dog she had hid from some people that she had because she thought some wouldn't approve. i broke into tears hearing the dog passed on. she was surprised i was so emotional,but animal stories always get me ever since last year.
-my style
-feeling free
-almost everything being out of apartment
-neighbor is going to help roommate with big couch being moved out
-roommate making call to switch out things such as internet to new place
-doing some reading of my book today and how enjoyable books are
-the sun and how great it is and how great it looks streaking into house
-feeling very positive and abundant and accepting of new place
-that last night it cooled down so much,i actually almost wanted to put on a sweater
-espresso coffee
-remembering A,not the ex but someone else and esoteric and spiritual connections with others and profound spiritual serendipity and feeling rememberance and appreciation that,that story is definitely not finished in this lifetime,and that in my higher vibe and clearing out resistances that he does like me,and feels something towards me
-my beauty
-my ideas
-my desires
-feeling calm and not in a rush
-the feelings of late summer and feeling very in the moment of life and things
-newness and growth
-feeling happy and inner happiness not dependent on others and like something good and amazing is just around the corner,that a miracle can happen at any moment,and like i want to dance,and being able to actually imagine and believe in things that felt fogged for awhile and being happy without needing it to happen,yet happy with a knowing it can and will. like this moment right here,i'm in the vortex. it just came unexpectedly. i feel very happy,i feel very in the moment,not needing anything else,and like i can be happy even if it never comes,,able to imagine many possibilities for the joy of it,and a knowing that certain things will manifest and can manifest with ease. that right there,the vortex. so good. the last time i felt in the vortex that i remember was early june. it was a mundane moment like this feeling happy like this,but different,because all moments are different,but not needing anything to be happy but just "knowing" and i manifested a mini manifestation of E texting me. Had i stayed in the vortex longer,more would've manifested i'm sure,but all is well and perfect as is,and i'm not needing or expecting E to text now,just am reflecting on a recent,short in the vortex moment. That happiness of life,just wanting to dance. Free heart. I am happy. I am knowing. It takes a higher consciousness to be at this level,that's one thing i'm starting to recognize now..that a lower vibe makes it harder to have this sort of intellect,it takes going higher to have this "sight."
-great news articles i come across
-getting my monthly time today,and how great that is
-great insights that came to me before and after my meditation last night..such as it's time to stop focusing on an apartment so much for two years i've been focused on a perfect apartment as a measure of positive growth and the thoughts that i'm fine as i am,since new to being on my own,but i'm no longer new to being on my own,and i no longer wish to consider an apartment as a measure of my growth and the fact that this next apartment is such a minor move,and the biggest downgrade since being on my own i think is the perfect example,lesson of that..that it's time to let go of trying to move into better apartments each move,or otherwise i'm not growing and instead focus on other things and free up my energy to think about how am i becoming more independent,and better in other ways,improving my finances,etc,etc. I feel so good about this,it feels so right,and just watch..wouldn't be surprised if next apartment ends up being a super pricey high rise with a pool right downtown simply because i let go of using apartments as a measure of my growth. I just feel so grateful and accepting
-being young
-being me
-the moon
-finding out eclipse season is actually september this year coming up which is interesting
-feeling ready for new