-not having work today
-rent check mailed off
-my sense of style
-talking to someone on bumble app i find kind of interesting
-lip injections
my body getting more toned
-my new black lace top
-my black balenciaga cardigan
-my david yurman gold dome necklace
-the new chocolate client i've been working for
-updating my linkedin
-white chocolate with raspberry
-my new faux marble table and how happy it makes me
-my medications
-having beautiful hair
-updating my hair color and working on lightening it up a bit and being happy with the results so far
-graphic design
-the air flowing in from keeping the balcony window open
-bleach getting most of the yellow stain off the kitchen floor
-cleaning, decluttering, and rearranging
-doing some positive self check in writing
-help from m and her husband
-blowdrying my hair
-being productive