today,pms-ing and feeling inadequate,and reminded of all my anxiety issues. it's been a drama-full week this past week or week and half or so. i want to master loa and intention-manifesting and will. my guilts are biggest resistances.
-green smoothies. the last one i had tasted like candy.
-living in a big city
-finally,possibly getting something i've wanted for came in the form of chaos and drama,and betrayal but it's always darkest before the also connected in my eyes why i had the snake dreams(an omen of change for me),the spiritual reason behind the incident with the creep on my steps,and so on,all became connected as happening for a reason in my eyes as it all just seemed to lead to one thing,and connect to what happened yesterday afternoon. it is so weird how this happened
-helping best friend and being there for him through his messy dramas and seeing him with love.
-getting some work back this week
-coffee. sooooooo soothing,especially on gloomy weather days
-how beautiful the skyline looks right now as i keep my door one door open and can see outside
-the black eyeshadow i bought and how great it is for achieving a look i like
-going tanning today
-peanut butter cookies
-having a skinny day today and yesterday. i've done 4 different things in the last few days so not sure what exactly has been the cause but very happy about it. idk what is is about skinny days that are so mood boosting
-physical exercise,squats and stretches which i love how they make me feel.
-yoga pants
-how great my form is in wheel pose
-how small and sculpted my arms are getting from the wheel pose work i've been doing
-lemons.i super appreciate lemons lately.
-finding another publication to submit a pitch to.
-getting an order in the mail today
-the lovely pastel lavender purple shade of nail polish i did my toes which is also a mood boost
-strawberry soda and how great it tastes
-how easy it is to get protein now
-getting things done today that i've been putting off
-best friend and i deciding on a more modest,more closer by neighborhood to move to instead may fit our wants more
-being an understanding and forgiving person
-feeling so ready to move out of this apartment. i'm at the point now where it's depressing me to even be here.
-having more followers then most others in my city who do what i do,which is great as i'm marketing myself to be in a more competiitive market so although i'm low for market i'm desiring,i'm high for market i'm in.
-that i can change things around at any moment
-desire to delve into positive talk/loa more and more and make more focus on creating the reality i want
-how hard my nails are
-being wiser then ever before..knowing that things in my reality are a reflection of my OWN feelings of inadequacy popping up. it' so simple,really. more and more,i do see the world is a mirror. my own doubts reflect to me in my reality. that's all it is,so simple and i didnt grasp this before. my thoughts. i'll never forget last august having this shown to me,where i finally grasped that concept. i cant help but feel like last year was the start of a part 2 of a spiritual awakening for me..
-being more confident then i was this time last year