-reassurances the cat will be ok
-finding the perfect vegan chocolate for me that is inexpensive and cheap shipping too. after looking up chocolates for valentine's day and see they were mostly more then i'd like to pay and just becoming aware that i'd like to find some for a more inexpensive price,i barely even set the intention..just thought how nice that'd be,and that surely that should be possible,then found a company online perfect to my preferences and very,very affordable compared to other places i was seeing,
-all the EFT clearing up my resistances on guys/relationships type issues and how different i feel from it. having another thing start to come to the surface to that i will tap on quick later on. i just know the future of my dating life from here on out is about to get a lot more gratifying and i'm so grateful that finally i've worked on really clearing these resistances. whereas before,i just whined and got obsessive,and last summer,only cleared a couple things but not much on relationships. i just know this is important work i'm doing and that i'm prepaving something amazing and a much brighter future.
-my beauty
-getting some affirmations started on l at the suggestion of the girl who coached me on the loa forum
-my speaking affirmation sessions which always boost my mood
-being able to do laundry today
-my conviction
-finally having an inner knowing not just on l but also on something with situation with best friend. it just came to me while tapping on something else. also,finally realizing i don't need some mental time deadline. all that does is try to reassure it'll come by controlling how and when but instead when you have a knowing,you just know it will come and feel relaxed about the when
-being on my last panic attack subliminal session.
-making a little chart on how i'm changing my life and what i'm bringing more of into my life
-seeing that loa changes and personal development is becoming easy again and how motivating it is to know your growing and changing
-getting confirmation about ride tomorrow
-getting more info about another job coming up next month
-business partner liking a bunch of my pics from one of our business pages. i love how she wants me to feel supported.
-getting an apology tonight after best friend being a jerk again
-being smart
-seeing other online forums that aren't like this or loa and realizing wow,the average person's mindset is sooo negative. it shocks me the way the average person thinks and the limits in what they believe in their self and considering it to still be positive or normal thinking
-realizing i have worry and anger in me more then i'd realized as i am continually training myself to be more positive in how i think and speak
-how beautiful my body is
-amazing ways to implement more positive change into my life via the power of my mind
-knowing the cat will be ok
-best friend being a little better about texting this morning
-enjoying sleep more again,and how amazing that feels
-neville goddard teachings
-my amazing book and how it always seems i get to a page in reading that has to do EXACTLY with something that's been on my mind,giving me a very very high vibe relieving way to look at things that makes me feel amazed
-being an interesting person
-finding a way to make the dishsoap last a longer that i already knew about but hadn't thought of by adding water,and realizing i really should just do that no matter what as it's surely too much dishsoap when it's not diluted
-being more beautiful then i even know
-how gorgeous my face is
-having some fantasizing and daydreams with l and relationship scenarios of me having posted a pic on social media saying something along the lines of i have the best boyfriend ever and the pic was of money he had given me to buy my passport book,a muffin and coffee,and flowers,with a note. Well,I logged online and see a girl posted online a pic saying she has the best boyfriend ever and a pic of cash he had given her and flowers and note. It wasn't the exact same as what I envisioned but too similar to just be a coincidence. Clearly,loa telling me what's on my mind. Inspired me to start dreaming more and playing with visulization
-the power of time to heal
-getting a submission for one of the projects/businesses i do and how nice that felt and actually feeling a moment of happiness about instead of apathy. trying to connect more to everything.
-awesome ideas
-vision board pics
-feeling good
-feeling calm