-stylish music
-pleasant,soothing poetic music
-the sun and warmer weather today and enjoying some sun healing and how uplifting it was
-being able to keep the door open
-feeling physically not well last night and today inspiring me to get it together with diet and exercise. felt like i almost pulled my back today. been having neck pain. dairy hangover. eyes feeling tired.
-clothes fitting loser despite eating awful the last few days and doing less exercise
-wonderful page finished by creative director today
-feeling observant and reflectful of life
-feeling more ready to move forward and go with the flow
-taking a risk today
-that life is a story
-apple cider donuts
-mason jars
-the meaning in my life
-finding videos online from cool vloggers who inspire me and uplift me and resonate with me so much
-attractive men
-reminding myself to stay decisive
-all the amazing things i've accomplished. i'm far more successful then i realize sometimes
-men who respect women
-people who are paving the way and carving new positive paths,innovators,trendsetters and such
-all the cool things i've done in my life
-becoming accepting of life
-imagining myself as beautiful,and how unique and striking i really am
-me,myself,and my traits
-my desires,including my desire for soul growth
-feeling overall much more pleasant lately
-the mysteriousness of the universe and detaching myself from needing to figure it all out
-how early in the day it still is
-deep breathing