-TV episodes online
-honoring my feelings
-hot guys
-people to text
-having all my teeth fixed
-buying myself something from agent provocateur on sale
-my interview today going well
-having a ride to work tomorrow
-staying more in the moment
-high vibes
-not believing something if it doesn't feel right
-my new gray bedroom walls
-cuddling with T kitten
-my desires
-how much i've upgraded my wardrobe in the last year
-getting my certificate for the course i was studying for the last week
-the hickey l gave me. so cute.
-finally having had sex for the first time in 3 years.i really think this is forward movement for me
-my heart chakra spray
-my bed
-my beauty products
-my escentric 02 perfume
-doing some reading
-feeling upbeat
-adding money to my savings
-doing some reading
-my intelligence
-doing some rebounding
-getting a new article up on 2nd business career
-all the offers and opportunities coming
-feeling so much more confident and assertive and calm ever since being on lorazapam
-my beauty
-social media
-having a normal conversation with RC the other day
-getting more work done on article i'm doing
-some upcoming content coming up for 2nd business
-my phone
-listening to some upbeat talks on youtube today
-friends to chat with on facebook
-M making me protein shakes
-having nice hair