-my laptop
-the supplements i take
-going with M on the train yesterday and getting some walking and watching her class then going with her to whole foods
-my succulent skin gel
-quality time with T kitten
-making a lot of money compared to two years ago
-going to the pool with M today and how great the water felt and then going to the mall and getting some new makeup,an american flag kimono/poncho,and some leopard print flip flops
-TV episodes online
-M saying she is taking me shopping for my birthday
-that my checks will be coming soon
-my life coach
-my hypnosis audios
-saving money
-my sense of style
-my child-like side
-having a nice chest
-my beauty
-getting my recaps done
-getting a little reading done
-mike's hard lemonade hard mango
-my creativity
-my dolce&gabbana sunglasses
-beyond meat vegan burgers
-protein drinks