-L,who i will now refer to as LE,for ease touching my heart this month and for how sexy his voice is.i remember back ago,that used to be one of my favorite features on a guy was a sexy voice,and his voice is very sexy.
-my warm bed
-cute pictures
-T kitten cuddling with me
-feeling upbeat and motivated
-meditating tonight
-stretches and how strong they make me feel
-feeling like i have more aim and direction in my life lately
-the way the air felt outside today,so nice
-writing down what i want to talk to therapist about tomorrow
-getting some calls done today
-buying myself another pair of yoga pants i've had my eye on and some macarons that have caught my eye
-funny and interesting news stories
-TV episodes online
-my confidence growing
-CLA supplement playing a part in keeping my weight down
-looking at old pictures of myself and realizing i have a really nice body
-organizing and throwing more things out last night
-feeling good
-friend J contacting me today
-messaging with friend A from the past today
-deep cleansing breaths
-my medications
-my beauty
-my desires
-becoming smarter financially
-practicing connection. today,it was as simple as feeling connection with the sound of the air filter,and how relaxing i was finding the sound of it. i'm usually indifferent to it,but today i just found the sound to be nice,soothing.