-my eyeglasses
-making sure i get the dishes done if nothing else
-conversation hearts
-mountain dew
-trying to see the good in what happened with R getting worried about me and coming by with best friend and seeing how i attracted it
-feeling strong knowing crush A and I will get together
-ex A texting me today. better late then never
-seeing some reassurances about R situation
-trusting most important things will remain the same with me and best friend
-loa forums
-that spring is near
-seeing maybe things aren't as much R but are best friend
-picture of transitioned loved one on phone
-being able to be honest with myself that low mood is because i havent worked out much,done affirmations much,or cleaned much the last few days.
-my confidence subliminal audio
-that tomorrow will be a new day and can be better
-an amazing business partner getting it all done.