-feeling new today
-making decison before bed to just do it and ask A what i've been wanting for awhile now and just get it over with. it's no big deal. so upon waking,i delayed a bit and then started by asking how are you doing today. he replied about ten minutes ago but didn't read it yet. really want to be in the right frame of mind to ask since it's kind of a big thing,to me,to ask and i don't want to come off wrong
-different cultures,countries and places
-how fearless i've been feeling and the little risks i've been taking which is really healing me,i think
-feeling detached and over D. still a little bummed that after the build up,it's a disappointment and won't work out but i can't date a cheap guy and i don't pay to date. even if he was testing me,there had to have been something not good coming from that. some eye f------- won't change that. funny how he's been distant ever since that,too
-being up to the domestic challenge to come up with a tasty vegan dessert and how much fun i had with deciding what i'll do and how simple but decked out it'll be and coming up with alcohol,too. how creative i am and hedonistic yet still keeping it vegan
-comfortable clothes
-the new beauty products i bought to try out
-feeling cozy,calm feelings
-looking pretty today. i don't know what's changed lately in the last few days but my face looks beautiful
-how flat my stomach is today and toned. very happy with that and confident
-the amazing journaling session last night
-finding my actual tarot deck so if im going to do tarot at all,it'll be real tarot and not online. i realized the online tarot was all fake and not accurate. should've known. lol .oh well.
-going back to the cardio session i prefer from the week before the last starting today
-how talented i am and my vision
-keeping my head,heels and standards high.
-feeling overall relaxed
-attractive,sexy men
-my 2nd job and how enjoyable it is to be part of trends and curate
-feeling more alive again
-knowing it's ok to break rules sometimes and doing so,breaking my own rules
-sanity and knowing the difference between making efforts and breaking your own rules,and just being desperate and creepy
-feminine energy and knowing the importance of cultivating it and surrendering to it,but also breaking out a bit and allowing the masculine to come out in small parts. appreciating the feminine. and appreciating the masculine.
-me,my personality,my stories and interests,and who i am as a person
-loving myself
-beauty and makeup
-fashion photography
-keeping my innocence and that despite all i've been through keeping my dreamy side,and belief in the power of happiness
-food and all the vegan options i come across more and more and the amazing meals i create
-pleasurable thoughts
-feeling feelings
-that despite the shuffle going on this week with holidays making everyone weirder and more quiet,im working with what i have to try and get some work done