-seeing R today. taking him to my old neighborhood and finding out he lived there as a child. taking him to a coffee shop i used to go to and then the spooky shop where i bought incense and he bought sage. it was funny and interesting.
-R giving me the straightening iron he bought back in october and finding out it's a $100 straightening iron.
-giving R something i wanted to give him that was a creative,abstract thing i put together
-having a friend now
-adding another $100 to my savings
-going on a job interview today and i think it going well
-confirming more jobs today
-warm showers
-clean clothes
-not taking hydrocodone today
-protein drinks
-my style
-my cats
-new experiences
-sending out more emails for jobs today
-when R is sweet and loving towards me
-my bed
-cat treats
-hot guys
-my accomplishments
-self compassion