-beautiful music that speaks to my soul
-that D texted me today and i played it cool
-the blissful,intoxicating weather today. so good.
-beauty ideas
-my beauty
-my hair
-my eyes
-my cheekbones
-a more colorful diet these days
-that i get to go to a tanning bed tomorrow
-that iget my computer back tomorrow. had to wait another day. no big deal
-my instagram
-the mind clarity that has come in the last few days and feeling released and back to normal and out of the fog
-my appreciation for R
-having a sexy life
-having a unique,stunning,feminine look that is that of a nyc model
-being a cool girl and knowing cool people. being part of the in crowd.
-being considered hot and desirable by cool and interesting people that are in crowd
-having a very young,doll like look
-the omens
-the coins being right.
-caramel tea. so good.
-essential oils
-the sun
-the nightsky
-being a woman
-letting things go
-getting perspective
-cleaning today and getting more cleaning done
-business partner coming through
-how smooth,in shape,and tight my legs look and feel
-feeling sexy
-being in a fashion and trends field of work
-my love for physical exercise
-people to text
-getting things a little more organized today
-invite offer from work for music thing
-my taste and vision
-having a childish sexy look
-seeing how hard i am on myself and that i'm better then i think
-not taking things so seriously
-finding out and feeling like D has tooken my wishes about what i was insecure about seriously when iflipped out on him that one night and been respecting them
-interesting articles that got my personality figured out!
-men and masculine energy
-my kindness and empathy for others
-having an artist mindset
-support from others
-having lived a full life filled with adventures,craziness and meaning
-release of tension
-being me
-my sensitivity
-beautiful things
-stories and understanding we live our lives as stories
-darkness and edge
-how patient my best friend has been with me