-feeling clean
-going tanning today
-happy music
-how in shape my stomach looks today,nice and tight and sculpted
-tofu eggs
-dark chocolate that is vegan and how great it is for third eye chakra
-how beautiful the weather was today!
-a life of healing and wellness and feeling good
-randomly deciding to text friend A and then it seeming to not go well since he is an aries,but it getting smoothed out and all being good. conscience feels better now and accepting of imperfection.
-best friend agreeing that when someone drops you and you have no way to talk to them and think you'll never see them again,lenianancy if you say imperfect things should had because your so lost and hurt
-peach detox tea
-laughing at life
-emails with K. she makes me laugh
-work done from creative director today
-getting another draft of work done last night and having fun and laughing with it
-being a happy person
-a direction and goal to focus on and look forward to
-several goals to look forward to. what would we be without our things to work towards
-the one hour toning session last night and how i felt i could've easily did more and how easy it is now for me to keep toning when i do it all at once and listen to music during
-how round my backside is
-seeing through people and seeing other's flaws and intuitive understanding with people which cuts down on problems
-my fame
-that life has relaxed a bit
-living a life of beauty
-focusing on becoming better and better,higher and higher
-deep healing
-my style
-my femininity
-having a deep understanding of aphrodite energy which enables me to seduce men without trying
-finding the good in every month
-patience from best friend
-my empathy
-my kindness
-confidence,assurance,intuition,and all i have going for me
-my sense of humor
-my randomness