2nd list of the day,because i have the time:
-delicious food i enjoy to eat
-all the instagram likes
-a nice journaling session where i identified more blockages/limiting beliefs i had so now that is gone! journaling is underrated,it is such a great way to manifest,and raise vibration because it is so purging.i am just about there,really i am there.
-the sunlight coming out.
-how young my face looks and how much it is transforming lately
-deciding to be fearless and get out there and take a risk and going to a meetup tomorrow
-starting to see the possibilities a little more again
-insights guiding me along the way of each little step of what to do next,the next one whispering to me being to busy myself a little bit,and cut back on time spent with the spiritual work and more time on doing productive activities unrelated to spiritual work. i've slacked on 2nd career things the last few days so will spend a little time on that tonight.
-feeling ready to let go...as in let go of the spiritual work on the primary issues,and just flow. i'm there now,i just need to relax,follow happiness and feel good. i know what to do. i'm ok.