-protein water
-how hard my nails,bones,and skin feel
-blogging and being back to it for a month
-how happy i feel, it's like i'm on drugs
-best friend and i going for a drive tonight
-watermelon candy. yum
-a nice vegan dinner that was so healing. ah,so healing it is to get rid of animal products from one's diet. it feels so detoxing
-peach detox tea and how good it is and how much i crave it
-my body and how sexy it is
-yoga and how wonderfully opening it is
-how open my chakras feel
-feeling like i'm on drugs,so high,i feel. so clear minded
-hypnosis and how wonderful it is. so wonderful. so wonderful.i listened to it before bed last night and it helped me fall asleep
-the sun shining today
-the beautiful night skies and how healing that was
-how thin and sculpted the back of my legs feel
-becoming comfortable and content with my truth
-how amazing february was
-that B logged into dating site again because i know it means he hasn't found anyone since he also did a few days ago.
-friends and how amazing they can be
-laughter and how good it feels
-how valuable i am
-my wonderful personality
-crystal singing bowls to slow my mind
-how easy it is to induce your mindset into certain states
-that i can now see the month of feb in a wonderful light and as perfect
-how cinemtatic and story book like life is
-emails from K. how amusing she can be!
-wonderful videos that make me so happy!
-things that help me align with my values and affirm me
-my beautiful smile
-my lovely eyes
-how great and sculpted my back looks
-getting to do my intention theta setting exercise last night
-that roommate is all of a sudden wanting to move to certain north side neighborhood,too. crazy!
-my uniqueness
-watching a movie last night and how nice that was