-my ear feeling a lot better today and normal pretty much
-how adorable the cat is
-feeling a sense of relaxation i always get during that time of the month
-indian food
-that amazing manifestation i had with A the other day that still feels surreal yet oddly normal and like i shifted to a new reality
-my beauty
-how inspiring today was.i seen on social media A is doing something amazing and starting a non profit charity. it really inspired me to do more and be more.i had no idea he had that much depth or care for others. it was surprising to see. i also seen he just got his passport and i am planning that,too as one of my goals.
-getting a tank top ordered to add to my wardrobe
-the string toy for the cat
-how beautiful the cat's babydoll eye's are
-getting grocery items and laundry changed dropped off to me
-getting the load of laundry done i needed
-the amazing epiphany i had about people and our perceptions and how we create people to be the way they are by our perceptions that i wrote about on another forum and how it really inspired me to utilize the loa in a very profound way since people are such a common part of most manifestations,this was a very important thing to really think about and realize
-getting a little work done
-being forgiving to myself
-all the EFT i did last night and affirmations
-being almost done with my panic subliminals
-being more detached
-feeling so feminine and beautiful and how much my energy has changed in that sense since this time last year.i just naturally feel it since clearing work i had done
-all my goals which excite me
-motivation,inspiration,and determination
-a driving lesson tomorrow i'll have since i couldn't do today which will be longer and enable me to complete my goal of parking lots before the month is over in one last swoop instead of several little sessions
-clarity and forward movement and rejuvenation about life and where i want to go
-inspiration vision board pics i use for my phone and online forum i'm on
-laying out my l issue in writing on another loa forum and realizing it doesn't sound as bad as i think and sounds very much like guy likes me a lot and was just hurt
-all the positive changes i am creating for myself and limiting beliefs/barriers i'm breaking through
-getting a follow up on upcoming job today which made me happy
-knowing im going to win
-feeling more confident about myself again
-the hot tea with cinnamon sticks and chocolate i had last night that was very soothing
-deciding to be more loving towards myself
-drinking a nice mason jar of water upon waking
-being a trendy,fashionable person
-being safe