-getting things done,even if it's not exactly fun or comfortable,just to get it over with
-laughing at life and how funny it is
-how much more time i have now,the boost in mood i noticed,AS WELL AS,and increase in intuition and clarity ever since i gave up the tarot.i feel no actual desire to go back to it. it's been almost 48 hours,and i see now it's absurd. it had caused things such as me assuming the worst and manifesting little bits of that causing me to think even more it must be true then,and influencing me to push things away more. can't help but wonder if it wasn't for tarot,would B and i have had certain fights,would D and I went exactly as we went.....and would i have skipped E's party last march. it's amazing what decluttering the little things from your life can do. i keep feeling little urges that the old me would've turned to tarot for,too. like when ifeel slight wondering what someone is thinking or what will happen, worried type feelings but then i stop,and realize i create my reality.i feel firm the universe wants me to nix this.
-my ex A calling me again. This is SO unlike him. idk what is going on with him. he is chasing me quite a bit lately and i don't know why.
-sweet feelings,memories of E
-allowing myself to be angry about guys,sexism,some things from one of the work fields i work in that is unfair and sexist and just letting myself feel that stuff,and knowing that all will be righted. feeling so much more patient with life that all will unfold in the right time.
-lavender oil. so good. idk what it is about this oil but it just does something to me unlike the other oils i've used. i'm so drawn to it,and find it so soothing
-banana fruit spread
-cinnamon french toast sticks
-vegan food
-my dark vegan chocolate and how stress releasing it is
-going tanning today
-nourishing my femininity
-how sculpted my body feels
-the inspiring videos on youtube i watched yesterday,and inspiration to expand some things for myself.
-my accomplishments
-my eyeglasses
-deciding to apply to something that i got rejected for last year,because things change and you never know,and i am much more high vibration this year so maybe it'll work out this time
-getting dishes done
-that i'll have a nice glass of wine tonight
-that i've been offered so many jobs for out of town trip,more then enough i could accept,which is very inspiring. universe is very much on my side for this trip. also,that i'm getting my times sorted out now for my exact schedule which is nice. things have come together quite nicely and easily.
-being myself and authenticity
-how curvy and round my backside is. it looks like ideal backside of what guys like.
-nice weather today
-just all the wisdom and clarity today and lately
-allowing desires and dreams to rise to the surface