-my laptop
-buying myself some gouda cheese today.
-getting confirmed for an odd job last night and getting it all done today
-getting flyers made for P cat
-getting two checks in the mail
-buying myself the silver high top sneakers in the mail i've been wanting for awhile
-iced lattes
-positive affirmations
-physical exercise
-vegan burritos
-napping with T cat and L kitten today
-staying motivated
-getting a lot done today
-waking up early today
-getting my savings to $400
-having a job interview tomorrow
-doing some journaling tonight
-confirming a job today
-getting some cleaning done today
-my new phone ring tone
-my femininity
-how much more independent i've become
-doing some coloring in an old lisa frank coloring book i found
-hot guys
-relaxing some inner resistance i've been having about my love life
-yoga pants
-going through lots of credit things in my mail i'm trying to fix and doing some work on that
-being approved for care credit
-buying a new wall affirmation decal inspired by an affirmation given to me by my life coach to use for P cat
-taking things one day at a time